Clairvoyance in Healing

The direct translation of the word “clairvoyance” is “clear sight”. It is defined as the ability to perceive or even see with the “mind’s eye” something that is beyond normal perception and without any knowledge of a subject. Most paranormal professionals and enthusiasts believe that psychic ability resides within every human being. Their belief is that most people do not tap into their clairvoyance because they are either unaware or never taught to use it, and that many are often taught not to use their psychic abilities.
There are various types of clairvoyant abilities, and even more ways to apply clairvoyant experiences. In todays world we often think modern doctors understand their science and our bodies sufficient enough to correctly identify most medical conditions and make the correct decisions when it comes to how to heal them. Unfortunately this is far from true, doctors, more often than not, are wrong in their diagnosis, and often have no idea why a person may be experiencing certain symptoms. They focus on symptoms alone and make prescription medicine a top priority in an attempt to stop the experience of these symptoms, completely overlooking the cause and very often have no means of finding a cause using any number of conventional tests. It is not the doctors fault, but rather the system of medicine in which they are taught and the fact even with todays technology we know very little about the varying complexities of the human body. Medical intuitives and clairvoyant healers are now more than ever working in hospitals and professional medical centers to help provide insight and healing to patients who have access to these services. Doctor Norman Shealy introduced energy medicine into a professional setting with the famous healer and clairvoyant Caroline Myss.
A Medical Intuitive can psychically interpret conditions inside the human body, even to the level of blood chemistry and hormonal imbalances which is far beyond what is considered possible by any of our five common senses. A Medical Intuitive may see the condition as energy or energy blocks and explain the connection of this energy to an emotional, physical, or psychological condition or some other experience that could be causing the illness or symptoms. This information can be discussed with a medical doctor or health care professional to help with trying additional tests or possible treatments. Today, many medical intuitives are doctors themselves and open to the ideas of energy healing and holistic medicine.
Clairvoyant healers are also commonly found working in Reiki, energy-work, and even massage…
The Negative Traits Of Your Zodiac Sign

Everyone hates to focus on the bad stuff, but let's face it how can you improve if you don't know what to improve upon? So, let's get to it! What does your astrology sign unpleasantly say about you?
Aries (March 21-April 19)
Your ruling planet is Mars, the God of War. This sums up your personality quite well, don't you think. Always ready for a battle, you rams never back down. Well, that's because you are always right ... at least in your mind.
Advice: Temper, temper, Aries. Loosing your cool when things don't go your way does nothing to boost your popularity. Try yoga.
Taurus (April 20-May 20)
One word describes Taurus to a tee: stubborn. Getting you to change your mind is like closing a revolving door - impossible, you only like to see it your way!
Advice: I understand that you never say "die," but sometimes you may want to admit critical injury. Pick and choose your battles.
Gemini (May 21-June 20)
You are an Air sign, Gemini, and to say you are flighty would be an understatement. If life were a kitchen, you would have a hand in preparing every dinner. But, when it comes supper time, no meals would actually be ready.
Advice: Focus, Gemini, focus. Sigh, ...You're not even reading this any more, are you.... texting at the same time.., anyone there?
Cancer (June 21-July 22)
With mood swings off the charts, Cancers make great homebodies and told-you-sos. Oh, and lunatics,... after all, you are ruled by the moon.
Advice: Drop the martyrdom vibe. Get out of your shell and have a good time more often.
Leo (July 23-August 22)
If asked to name five words to describe herself, a Leo couldn't just stop at just five. You see, Leos are to modesty as goldfish are to blueberries. Meaning, Leos and modesty have nothing to do with each other.
Advice: Just because the lion is your symbol does not mean you can be King of the Jungle all of the time. Share the limelight.