Sound Healing Schumann Resonance
From a Sound Healing perspective the Schumann Resonance is rising as our DNA transforms? See the sound healing apps for sound frequency methods to stay grounded aligned and enhance your healing frequencies. The Schumann Resonance at 7.83 Hz sometimes called the frequency of OM. There have been times when the Schumann accelerated to as fast as 16.5 Hz. Outside the common Schumann resonance vibration at a frequency of approximately 7.83 Hz, this frequency can vary slightly from a variety of factors. Lately the Schumann resonance or earth hmm is becoming irregular at times. There is a disharmony in the Earth’s magnetosphere, with the Earth's alignment hanging in the balance. This can sometimes be experienced by headaches, fatigue, vertigo or other energetic imbalances. The increase of 5G frequencies and other electronic waves may be disturbing more of our earths ecosystem than we are aware of.…
Energy Healing
Although Energy healing has been around for hundreds of years it has recently become accepted and used in professional medicine and hospitals around the world. There are a large number of modalities and styles of energy healing, spiritual healing, and hands on healing and this presents a challenge to regulate practitioners, compare differences for clients, and makes the scientific aspects more difficult to understand. Energy healing can be as basic as massage work with the intention of allowing chi or naturally occurring energy to be exchanged, or can be as complex as working with a person who has spent their life in a healing practice or study of alternative healing sciences. Some practitioners tune their skills with time and practice while others may spend years in training at schools like BBSH (Barbara Brennan Schools of Healing) where students can spend 4 or more years learning advanced techniques in working with energy healing to earn a degree and begin working with energy healing and the human energy field.
Dr. Barbara Brennan the founder of BBSH, claims to be the worlds premiere school for transformation and healing through the Human Energy Field. Barbara has contributed numerous books and thousands of hours of research and study to energy healing over the last 35 years. Her best selling book (Hands of Light®) is considered the best in the field, and perhaps the most in depth book ever written on energy healing. She holds a Doctorate of Philosophy, a Doctorate of Theology, a Master's Degree in Atmospheric Physics, B.S. in Physics, and worked as a research scientist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. Many other professionals are now also dedicating their lives to energy healing and bringing new modalities into schools and services for all to benefit from.
Energy Healing is a powerful quickly emerging modality that is growing all over the world. There are numerous practitioners and healers available, but ultimately it is the responsibility of the client to do the research and find a healer who’s approach, education, and style fits their particular needs. Energy healing can bring consciousness to many parts of us, that we may have forgotten or left behind, it can be a deeply personal and transformational experience. Through awareness, consciousness, wisdom, and healing, the journey of energy healing can bring peace, harmony, health, and love back to those who commit to this experience. (more…)…